BURKE v. HHS (Case 16-CV-825)  Six major documents are bold.


You can easily find other documents prepared by lawyers, from other cases at FoiaProject. You can search for cases involving your agency and/or your judge. Some documents are free there, many more are free at RecapTheLaw, and all documents are at Pacer, which is free for under 150 pages per calendar quarter, and 10 cents per page otherwise.


Major Dates: Original FOIA request was 7/15/2013. They denied it 2/25/2015. So I filed an administrative appeal  3/24/2015, which they did not respond to. So I filed the court case 5/3/2016. They provided the documents 6/8/2016, after I filed the court case. However to settle the court case, they wanted me to give up future rights, which I did not, so Judge Cooper ruled for me 12/14/2016.

Interspersed with these court filings, we had settlement discussions, which you can also read. Before filing the various documents it was important to read advice, HHS rules, Medicare rules, federal Rules of Civil Procedure, and the district court's Local Rules.



5/3/2016, Burke Complaint against U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), Pacer item 1, pdf, or htm


Undated, Initial Electronic Case Filing Order (not in PACER), pdf or htm


5/5/2016, Motion for CM/ECF Password by Paul Burke (Case Management/Electronic Case Files), Pacer item 2, pdf, or htm


5/6/2016, Judge Cooper's Minute Order: It is hereby ordered that plaintiff's Motion for CM/ECF Password be granted.


5/31/2016, Return of Service/Affidavit of Summons and Complaint Executed, Pacer item 3, pdf, or htm:


6/8/2016, Government assigned Marsha Yee to represent HHS, Pacer item 4, pdf, or htm and she filed Unopposed Motion for Extension of Time, Pacer item 5, pdf, or htm


6/10/2016, Judge Cooper's Minute Order: It is hereby ordered that the time for defendant to file a response to plaintiff's complaint is hereby extended to and including July 8, 2016.


6/11/2016, Burke filed Motion for Order for Partial Voluntary Dismissal and Award of Costs, Pacer item 6, pdf, or htm


6/28/2016, HHS filed Unopposed Motion for Extension of Time, Pacer item 7, pdf, or htm


6/29/2016, Judge Cooper's Minute Order: It is hereby ordered that the time for defendant to file its responses to plaintiff's Complaint and plaintiff's Motion for Order of Partial Voluntary Dismissal and Award of Costs is hereby extended to and including July 27, 2016.


6/30/2016, Burke filed Notice of Voluntary Dismissal, Pacer item 8, pdf, or htm


7/1/2016, Judge Cooper's Minute Order: In light of plaintiff's Notice of Voluntary Dismissal without Prejudice, It is hereby ordered that plaintiff's Motion for Order of Partial Voluntary Dismissal and Award of Costs be denied as moot.


7/11/2016, Burke filed Motion for Costs, Pacer item 9, pdf


7/27/2016, HHS Answer to Complaint, Pacer item 10, pdf, This is not very substantive.


7/28/2016 HHS Motion to Dismiss, and Memorandum in Opposition to Burke Motion for Costs, Pacer items 11 and 12, pdf


8/4/2016, Burke Memorandum in Opposition to HHS Motion to Dismiss, and Reply to HHS Opposition to Burke Motion for Costs, Pacer items 13 and 14, pdf


8/11/2016, HHS Reply to Burke opposition to HHS Motion to Dismiss, Pacer item 15, pdf


12/14/2016, Judge Cooper's Order, Pacer item 16, pdf